Mercosur, Pacific Alliance promote integration

Mercosur, Pacific Alliance promote integration

(VOVworld) – Ministers of Foreign, Trade, and Production Ministries of the Southern Common Market (Mecosur) and the Pacific Alliance had a meeting on Saturday to discuss possibilities to enhance cooperation and...
The UK: a new target of terrorism

The UK: a new target of terrorism

(VOVworld) – One year after a terrorist attack in Belgium killed 32 people and injured hundreds more, the world was shocked by an attack at the British Parliament in London. It was the...
Pagoda and village culture

Pagoda and village culture

(VOVworld) – The Red River Delta is the cradle of the ancient Vietnamese wet rice civilization and culture. It is also the place where Buddhism was first introduced to Vietnam. Pagodas...
India, France boost strategic partnership

India, France boost strategic partnership

(VOVworld) – French Foreign Minister Jean Marc Ayrault began a four-day visit to India and met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday to bolster the strategic partnership between...
Chocolate ganache for Christmas

Chocolate ganache for Christmas

(VOVworld) - Chocolate ganache is chocolate concoction which can be used for different kinds of bon-bons and cakes. It sounds very versatile. Today, we have Sicard Marc-Acban, a chef...
Venezuela rejects suspension from Mercosur

Venezuela rejects suspension from Mercosur

(VOVworld) - Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said Tuesday that no one can remove his country from Mercosur, whose founders are considering a possible suspension of Venezuela
Europe is likely to have its own army

Europe is likely to have its own army

(VOVworld)-Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election last week has prompted some European leaders to revitalize the idea of forming a common army
Vietnam, Myanmar to enhance political-diplomatic ties

Vietnam, Myanmar to enhance political-diplomatic ties

(VOVworld)- Vietnam and Myanmar have agreed to further enhance political and diplomatic ties via increasing all-level visits and contacts through Party, government, State, National Assembly channels and people-to...
UN warns against violence escalation in Yemen

UN warns against violence escalation in Yemen

(VOVworld) – On Tuesday, the UN envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, warned against violence escalating in Yemen and urged all sides not to thwart efforts to reach a peace...
UN Security Council divided over Syria

UN Security Council divided over Syria

(VOVworld) – A stark division between members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was exposed at a meeting on October 9, when rival resolutions drafted by Russia and France both failed...