Exploring Lai Chau cuisine

Exploring Lai Chau cuisine

(VOVworld) – Lai Chau province in Vietnam’s northwest is famous not only for its scenic spots but also for its cuisine
Phu Luu village in Bac Ninh province

Phu Luu village in Bac Ninh province

(VOVworld) - Phu Luu, a village in Bac Ninh province, is famous for trading betel and areca, which used to be a specialty of the Vietnamese. Also known as Giau village or Giau market...
700 refugees rescued off Libya coast

700 refugees rescued off Libya coast

(VOVworld) - 700 refugees were rescued off the coast of Libya as they attempted to make the perilous journey to Europe, announced by Italy’s coast guard, adding that those people...
Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

Love and marriage in Vietnam’s history and customs

(VOVworld) - Over years, the Vietnamese concepts of love and marriage have evolved. Nowadays, single mothers, cohabitation, same-sex marriage, and sex before marriage are becoming more accepted. Males and females are...
 New Rice celebration of the Gie Trieng

New Rice celebration of the Gie Trieng

(VOVworld) – The New Rice celebration is a time-honored tradition of ethnic groups in the Truong Son range. Today, VOV reporter Hong Lam reports on the New Rice celebration of...
Kidzplay center in Hanoi

Kidzplay center in Hanoi

(VOVworld) – Do you have children under 6 years old? Are you looking for a place where your babies are given an opportunity to play with a variety of age-appropriate toys while you are learning new...
Facebook fights “fake news”

Facebook fights “fake news”

(VOVworld) –Facebook has announced its new measures to fight fake news in Germany. Last Wednesday Facebook launched its “Journalism project” to make sure that “a healthy news ecosystem and journalism can...
Venezuela, US seek to improve ties

Venezuela, US seek to improve ties

(VOVworld) – Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro and US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon held talks on Wednesday in Caracas, Venezuela, to re-start negotiations which could...
Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

Brazil’s political turmoil and economic recession

(VOVworld) - Brazil's Senate is debating whether President Dilma Rousseff should face a full impeachment trial on charges of illegally manipulating finances to hide a growing public deficit ahead of her...