Imprints of Van Cao in Vietnam’s art

Imprints of Van Cao in Vietnam’s art

(VOVWORLD) - Van Cao (1923-1995) was a versatile artist celebrated as a legend in Vietnamese literature and art of the 20th century, excelling in music, poetry, and painting. Across every domain...
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A: In an email to VOV this week, SB Sharma of India asked about some special food made with green bananas, so we’ll tell you about snails cooked with green banana...
Nghe animal in ancient Vietnamese sculpture

Nghe animal in ancient Vietnamese sculpture

(VOVworld)-An exhibit devoted to the Nghe animal, a fictional creature with a lion-like head, a long tail and a dog-like body, in ancient Vietnamese sculpture has opened in...
Nghệ Tĩnh’s folk singing

Nghệ Tĩnh’s folk singing

(VOVworld) - Each region in Vietnam has its own typical folk songs. The land of Hồng Lam in Central Vietnam with its mountains and rivers, picturesque beauty, and brave, hardworking...