DuCapital Holding and Smart Light 4.0

DuCapital Holding and Smart Light 4.0

(VOVWORLD) - This week we'll introduce a new company and new product. DuCapital Holding Company created Smart Light 4.0 to help modern parents who have less time these days...
Nyepi Day in Bali or Bali Day of Silence

Nyepi Day in Bali or Bali Day of Silence

(VOVWORLD) - Once a year, the island of Bali completely shuts down for one day. This day, known as Nyepi, is unique to Bali and marks the first day of the New...
 Red River delta, the land of tugging games

Red River delta, the land of tugging games

(VOVWORLD) - The tugging rituals and folk games were honored by UNESCO in 2015 as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, a multi-national project of Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, Cambodia, and the Philippines, the first multi-national project ever recognized...
Aspiration for national development, innovation

Aspiration for national development, innovation

(VOVWORLD) - The draft political report submitted to the 13th National Party Congress emphasized the fundamental transformation of Vietnam's economy into a growth model which efficiently uses resources, scientific and technological advances...