Vietnam, Japan seek to further partnership

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam always considers Japan a long-term, leading strategic partner, said Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son on Tuesday. 
Vietnam, Japan seek to further partnership - ảnh 1Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son talks on phone with his Japanese counterpart Motegi Toshimitsu on April 27, 2021 (Photo:

Talking on the phone with his Japanese counterpart Motegi Toshimitsu, Minister Son stressed  Vietnam’s wish to continue actively promoting cooperation with Japan bilaterally as well as in international forums to address issues of mutual concern.

Minister Motegi affirmed that Japan treasures and hopes to promote the extensive strategic partnership with Vietnam. Japan highly values Vietnam’s role and position in the region and the world, he said, vowing that Japan will continue to cooperate with and assist Vietnam in its development process. 

Both sides agreed to enhance exchanges at all levels and to work together to enhance the effectiveness of dialogue mechanisms and promote collaboration in COVID-19 prevention and control, the reception of Vietnamese trainees as well as cooperation in official development assistance (ODA), trade and investment.

Regarding international and regional matters of shared concern, they called on stakeholders to exercise restraint and put an end to violence and bloodshed in Myanmar. Both ministers agreed to work closely at global and regional forums such as the UN and ASEAN.

