Dich Vi village worships stone dog

Dich Vi village worships stone dog

(VOVWORLD) - For centuries the dog has been believed to bring good luck, blessings, and happiness to humans. At Dich Vi, a village not far from downtown Hanoi, a stone dog...
The dog in Vietnam’s folk culture

The dog in Vietnam’s folk culture

(VOVWORLD) - There is a saying: “Feed a human for 3 years and he will forget you in 3 seconds. Feed a dog for 3 days and he will remember you forever”. The...
Soul prayer ritual of the Thai

Soul prayer ritual of the Thai

(VOVWORLD) -The Thai in Vietnam’s northwestern region pray for the souls of sick people, new born babies, people traveling far from home, and new daughters-in-law to wish them good health...
Christmas activities underway

Christmas activities underway

(VOVWORLD) - Vice President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Ngo Sach Thuc on Saturday visited to Bishop Vu Dinh Hieu and Catholic dignitaries and followers at Bui Chu Diocese in Nam...
Vietnamese enterprises discuss sustainable development

Vietnamese enterprises discuss sustainable development

(VOVWORLD) - A forum entitled “Beyond APEC 2017 – Sustainable development opportunities for the corporate sector” was held on Wednesday in Hanoi by the Hanoi Young Enterprise Association and the World Wildlife Fund ...
Vietnamese businesses ready for Industry 4.0

Vietnamese businesses ready for Industry 4.0

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam is expected to face both opportunities and challenges brought about by the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0). Vietnam’s small and medium-sized enterprises are doing their...
Tourism week honors natural heritage

Tourism week honors natural heritage

(VOVWORLD) -The beauty of Vietnam's natural heritage is the focus of activities at the Green Heritage Culture and Tourism Week, which opened in Hanoi yesterday
Wednesday November 15, 2017

Wednesday November 15, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Mubashir Hussain Asher, President of the Pak Listeners Club, told us that they are interested in VOV’s programs, which give them information about Vietnam’s life, economy, and all kinds of things. He...
Grave statues of the Co Tu

Grave statues of the Co Tu

(VOVWORLD) -The Co Tu in the Central Highlands are famous for wood statues and grave-houses. The grave-house is a unique architectural work of the Co Tu, which reflects...
Countries work to reduce plastic waste

Countries work to reduce plastic waste

(VOVWORLD) - At the Our Ocean international conference in Malta on Friday, several countries announced their plans to ban the use of micro plastic and disposable plastic products. This is one...
Wednesday September 20, 2017

Wednesday September 20, 2017

(VOVWORLD) -Last week we continued to receive congratulations for VOV’s 72nd anniversary. Thank you very much, dear listeners worldwide, for your nice wishes