Vietnam among global blockchain leaders

Vietnam among global blockchain leaders

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s blockchain market is forecast to flourish in the coming months, driven by the government’s growing support, interest on the part of the business community, the sector’s high growth potential, and...
Wednesday May 25, 2022

Wednesday May 25, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - First of all, we want to thank our listeners for congratulating Vietnam on its success at the recent 31st Southeast Asian Games, the biggest sports event in Vietnam since the beginning of the...
Israeli falafel, a kind of fried vegetarian fritter

Israeli falafel, a kind of fried vegetarian fritter

(VOVWORLD) - Israel’s cuisine is classified as the cuisine of immigrants, and there is a variety of Israeli food available in this country, said Professor Nir Avieli, a cultural anthropologist at Ben Gurion University...