US pursues a free, open Indo-Pacific

US pursues a free, open Indo-Pacific

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden has announced a new strategy for a free and open Indo-Pacific, which is part of its effort to increase its influence in the region....
La Hu people abandon nomadic life

La Hu people abandon nomadic life

(VOVWORLD) - The La Hu, one of the smallest ethnic minority groups in Vietnam, live only in the border area of Muong Te district in the northwestern mountainous province of Lai...
Lao Cai preserves, develops traditional craft villages

Lao Cai preserves, develops traditional craft villages

(VOVWORLD) - 20 of 30 craft villages in Lao Cai province are involved in making traditional items, mainly in brocade embroidery, silver carving, incense making, bamboo and rattan weaving, and forging. The traditional...
12 expressway projects to begin in 2022

12 expressway projects to begin in 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh has ordered the Transport Ministry to start 12 component projects of the transnational expressway as early as next year as Vietnam aims to have...