Vietnam, ASEAN countries cooperate in tourism

Vietnam, ASEAN countries cooperate in tourism

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism attended many events at the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2023 in Indonesia early this month to promote Vietnamese tourism and expand...
Petrovietnam pioneers environmental protection

Petrovietnam pioneers environmental protection

(VOVWORLD) - Over more than 6 decades of operation, the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) and its affiliates have never experienced any major incidents affecting the environment, ecology, and people...
Binh Thuan promotes folk singing, dancing

Binh Thuan promotes folk singing, dancing

(VOVWORLD) - The southern province of Binh Thuan has 35 ethnic groups living together. In recent years the province has worked to preserve and promote the intangible cultural heritages of its...