Literacy gives hope to ethnic women

Literacy gives hope to ethnic women

(VOVWORLD) - For many ethnic people living in border areas of Son La province, going to school is a dream come true. Literacy classes have given them hope for a brighter...
Prime Minister pays Tet visits to medical staff

Prime Minister pays Tet visits to medical staff

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Friday visited and extended Lunar New Year's greetings to officials, medical staff, and patients being treated at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital in...
Dak Lak doctor resolved to end tuberculosis

Dak Lak doctor resolved to end tuberculosis

(VOVWORLD) - Chau Duong, Director of Dak Lak province’s Lung Hospital, is known for his great contribution to tuberculosis (TB) treatment. He has set the target of ending tuberculosis earlier...
Henna links Islamic culture and other parts of the world

Henna links Islamic culture and other parts of the world

(VOVWORLD) - Traditionally, henna is used to paint blessings on the skin of most brides before a Muslim wedding ceremony. At a recent gathering in Hanoi to introduce the social and cultural transformation of Saudi Arabia, many...
Healthcare under threat across Europe

Healthcare under threat across Europe

(VOVWORLD) - Many European countries have entered the year 2023 with strikes and demonstrations by healthcare workers. Severe respiratory diseases in recent weeks and post-COVID exhaustion have overloaded hospitals and...