Wednesday November 10, 2021

Wednesday November 10, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - I guess a number of our listeners tune in to our program regularly, because we receive lots of feedback and reports from them, most from longtime listeners
Vietnam, St. Petersburg boost economic cooperation

Vietnam, St. Petersburg boost economic cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - St. Petersburg authority and Vietnam on Wednesday held a business conference on economic-trade cooperation between the Russian city and localities of Vietnam as part of the 14th St. Petersburg...
COP26: challenges and hope

COP26: challenges and hope

(VOVWORLD) - The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, which has drawn more than 120 government leaders, is expected to make needed progress in addressing...
Wednesday October 13, 2021

Wednesday October 13, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - I hope this edition of the Letter Box finds you well. Recently we shared listeners’ comments and feedback on VOV’s other language programs. We found that many of...
PM: digital transformation needs global approach

PM: digital transformation needs global approach

(VOVWORLD) - Digital transformation to build a digital world is not the business of a single country, organisation or individual but a global matter that requires a global approach and contributions,...