Wednesday December 17, 2014

Wednesday December 17, 2014

(VOVworld) - This week we got a letter from Denis Ironman of England, whose last letter to us was back in 1971. We’re happy to welcome you back after 45 years. Wow...
Painters draw pictures of Truong Sa archipelago

Painters draw pictures of Truong Sa archipelago

(VOVworld) – 30 painters are showcasing 60 drawings inspired by a field trip to Truong Sa archipelago. Art works of different composition and styles at the exhibit “Come to Truong Sa”, which...
Devotional pictures of the Dao Lo Gang

Devotional pictures of the Dao Lo Gang

(VOVworld) – The Dao Lo Gang are one of the Dao branches practicing Taoism which worships many saints and genies. Taoism rituals include funerals, weddings, ceremonies to acknowledge a boy becoming a man, and...
Vietnam 120 years ago in pictures

Vietnam 120 years ago in pictures

(VOVworld)- Historic images of Hanoi, Haiphong, Hue, Nha Trang and Saigon in the late 19th century were depicted in a valuable collection of photographs by Governor-general of Indochina Armand...
Vietnam’s cultural picture in 2013

Vietnam’s cultural picture in 2013

(VOVworld) – UNESCO recognition of music and songs of Vietnam’s southern region called Don ca tai tu is one of prominent cultural event in Vietnam in 2013. In...
Vietnam’s potential for e-commerce development

Vietnam’s potential for e-commerce development

(VOVworld) – E-commerce is currently an inevitable trend of the global economy and Vietnam is not apart from this movement. Along with the Internet boom, Vietnamese companies have been interested...
06 February 2013

06 February 2013

These days, the atmosphere of the traditional Lunar New Year, Tet, floods Vietnam. Vietnamese people, both inside and outside the country, are busy preparing for Tet, the biggest celebration of the year...
Obama picks Defense Secretary, CIA head

Obama picks Defense Secretary, CIA head

President Barack Obama on Monday nominated former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as his next defense secretary and counterterrorism adviser John Brennan to head the CIA