Picturesque giant sand dunes in Quy Nhon

Picturesque giant sand dunes in Quy Nhon

(VOVWORLD) - The golden sand dunes of Phuong Mai peninsula in Quy Nhon city are the ideal place for travelers to enjoy activities such as sand sliding this summer
Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in monsoon season

Picturesque Mu Cang Chai in monsoon season

(VOVWORLD) - Mu Cang Chai district in Yen Bai province is famous for its yellow terraced rice fields. But visitors who come during the flood season will be stunned by the...
Son La province hosts plum-picking festival

Son La province hosts plum-picking festival

(VOVWORLD) - Visitors and locals joined the annual plum-picking festival on Saturday on Moc Chau Plateau in the northern mountain province of Son La. They had a chance to climb trees,...
Picture hanging, a tradition of the Lunar New Year

Picture hanging, a tradition of the Lunar New Year

(VOVworld) – Traditionally, special Tet (Lunar New Year) pictures are hung in a Vietnamese house. Each picture includes a wish or parallel sentence. Now, as people’s living standards improve, their...
EU Parliament picks new president

EU Parliament picks new president

(VOVworld) – Italian Senator Antonio Tajani won 351 out of 633 votes in the final round of voting in Strasbourg, France, to become president of the European Parliament
RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

RoK, US pick location for deploying THAAD

(VOVworld) – The Republic of Korea and the US have decided to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in the southern region of Seongju, North Gyeongsang Province, 296...
Vietnamese Doctors’ Day marked

Vietnamese Doctors’ Day marked

(VOVworld) – 60 outstanding young doctors were honored in Hanoi on Thursday as part of activities to mark the 61st Vietnamese Doctors’ Day February 27. An award called “ Dang Thuy Tram”...
Greece: protests in Athens over pension reforms

Greece: protests in Athens over pension reforms

(VOVworld) - Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Athens on Saturday in solidarity with farmers who have blocked dozens of highways and border crossings in recent weeks in protest over a pensions...
Gender Equality: Picture it!

Gender Equality: Picture it!

(VOVworld) - Almost every country in the world is confronting gender issues. The importance of continuously investing in gender equality and eliminating violence against women and girls was stressed recently at the launch...