Terraced field farming culture in northern Vietnam

Terraced field farming culture in northern Vietnam

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s northern mountains provide a wealth of inspiration to photographers. The region attracts tourists for its unspoiled beauty and winding terraced fields nestled in the valleys and mountain slopes...
Housing of the Cham people

Housing of the Cham people

(VOVworld) – The Cham villages are located on the high land surrounded by farm land. Every clan or large household lives in houses in the shape of a rectangle or a square...
Effectively utilizing land resource

Effectively utilizing land resource

(VOVworld)- Deputies to the 5th session of the 13th National Assembly spent a whole day on Monday discussing the revised Land Law before ratifying it. The draft revisions aim to...
Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

Adventures of a cricket, 70 years after

(VoVoworld) – Over the past 70 years, “Adventures of a Cricket", written by To Hoai, has become a close friend of many generations of Vietnamese children. Every sentence, every paragraph, and every image...

Indonesia arrests 11 in terror strike plots

An Indonesian anti-terror squad arrested 11 militants who were plotting a series of strikes — including an attack against a U.S. embassy. The suspects, who are believed to belong to a local...
Yemen security on terror alert

Yemen security on terror alert

Yemen’s Ministry of the Interior said Sunday that it has ordered security agencies across provinces and in the capital to increase alertness in military and security positions to prevent potential terrorist...
Syrian crisis: no end in sight

Syrian crisis: no end in sight

(VOVworld) - Syria continues to trouble the international community. Political analysts are anticipating an all-out civil war in Syria as hope fades for the success of the UN- Arab League Peace Plan. Despite...
Cheo opera attracts big audience in Paris

Cheo opera attracts big audience in Paris

(VOVworld)- Performers of the Vietnam National Cheo Theatre won the audience’s heart with a famous Cheo play called the ‘Quan Am Thi Kinh’ at the Maison des Cultures du...