Faith in EU integration shaken

Faith in EU integration shaken

(VOVworld)- The European Parliament election results have been announced. Though the Alliance of Conservative, Social and Democratic Parties won the majority of votes in the new parliament, it was a surprise that...
Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday, May 22, 2014

Well, not only in Hue, anywhere in Vietnam, you will have a chance to experience “diều sáo”- kite flying with flute singing. Kite flying is popular throughout the year, but especially in summer. Vietnamese people of...
New crisis in Thai political arena

New crisis in Thai political arena

(VOVworld) – Predictions by political analysts that forcing Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to leave office would ignite new tensions and worsen the political instability in Thailand have proven accurate. Violence has...
Ukrainian demonstrators call for Russian help

Ukrainian demonstrators call for Russian help

(VOVworld) – Protestors occupying the city of Slavyansk in Eastern Ukraine have urged Russia to deploy its peace-keeping forces there, while imposing a curfew in the city after a gun...
Libya in new spiral of instability

Libya in new spiral of instability

(VOVworld)- 3 years after Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown, Libya has not been able to find a way to stabilize the country. Libya is facing increasing widespread violence and clashes between the...
Italy starts process to form new government

Italy starts process to form new government

(VOVworld) – Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta officially submitted his resignation to President Giorgio Napolitano on Friday, ending his 10-month leadership of a coalition government
1973 Paris Peace Accord- fruit of a just struggle

1973 Paris Peace Accord- fruit of a just struggle

(VOVworld)- 41 years ago, the Paris Peace Accord was signed ending the war, restoring peace to Vietnam and marking a historic milestone in the Vietnamese people’s revolution. The agreement was...
Hoi An for green, clean heritage

Hoi An for green, clean heritage

(VOVworld) – Heritage preservation combined with sustainable tourism is one of Vietnam’s strategic goals. The world heritage site of Hoi An has provided a lesson in heritage preservation for other...
Wednesday December 4, 2013

Wednesday December 4, 2013

A: Dear listeners, as the year enters its final days, everybody in the world including the Vietnamese seem to be getting busier and more in a rush. The hurried...
Typhoon Nari kills 5, injures 11

Typhoon Nari kills 5, injures 11

(VOVworld) - Typhoon Nari was a complex storm lasting for many hours. When it made landfall on Vietnam’s coast, it had changed direction many times