National Assembly begins the 3rd week of meeting

National Assembly begins the 3rd week of meeting

(VOVworld) - The 13th National Assembly continues its 11th session on Monday and major agenda are the vote of National Assembly deputy chairpersons and members of the National Assembly Standing Committee
NA discusses end-of term performance reports

NA discusses end-of term performance reports

(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, deputies to the 11th session of the 13th National Assembly discussed end-of term performance reports including those of the President, the National Assembly Chairman, and the Prime...
National Assembly’s Economic Committee convenes

National Assembly’s Economic Committee convenes

(VOVworld) – The National Assembly’s Economic Committee convened its last session of the 13th term in Quang Binh province on Monday. Participants will discuss a number of government supplementary reports...
70-year history of the Vietnam National Assembly

70-year history of the Vietnam National Assembly

(VOVworld)- Over the past 70 years, the Vietnam National Assembly has contributed significantly to national liberation, reunification, construction and defense. It has embodied national unity, renovation and development
Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

Vietnam National Assembly fine-tunes legal system

(VOVworld)- Over the past 70 years, the Vietnamese National Assembly’s legislation has created a firm legal foundation for the building of a law-governed Vietnamese state of the people, by the...
DPRK prosecutors visit Ho Chi Minh City

DPRK prosecutors visit Ho Chi Minh City

(VOVworld) - Jang Byong Gyu, head of the Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), visited Ho Chi Minh City on Thursday
State President greets DPRK prosecutor

State President greets DPRK prosecutor

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception for Jang Byong Gyu, head of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)...
Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

Blocking financial resources: an anti-terrorism strategy

(VOVworld) – Operations against the self-proclaimed Islamic State and other terrorist and extremist groups have intensified and enlisted more countries. Besides airstrikes and ground attacks, blocking IS’s multiple revenue...
NA Q&A session ends

NA Q&A session ends

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday, the National Assembly closed its Q&A session during which NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung and 6 Ministers answered deputies’ questions over the past 2 days
Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

Changes in National Assembly’s Q&A

(VOVworld)- The 13th National Assembly (NA) convened an unprecedented question-and-answer session on Monday in which deputies can ask any cabinet member about issues in the area of their management...