English Bowler Hat

English Bowler Hat

(VOVWORLD) - A bowler hat is a must-have accessory for vintage fashionistas. The image of comedian Charles Chaplin in a vintage suit, a baton in hand, and a bowler hat, has been considered...
Indonesia remembers 2004 tsunami victims

Indonesia remembers 2004 tsunami victims

(VOVWORLD) - A memorial was held on Thursday in the Indonesian province of Aceh for the victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami 15 years ago. A major earthquake occurred off the island of...
Traditional clothes of the Nung

Traditional clothes of the Nung

(VOVWORLD) - The indigo clothes of the Nung in Cao Bang province are distinguishable from others by their designs, which have very few decorations or embroidery. Nung clothing reflects their culture...
SUP boarding on West Lake

SUP boarding on West Lake

(VOVWORLD) - Come to West Lake on a beautiful day and you will see people SUP boarding - Stand up Paddle Boarding. SUP boarding originated in Hawaii and was imported into Vietnam...
Stick puppetry of the Tay

Stick puppetry of the Tay

(VOVWORLD) - The Tay often stage stick puppetry at their New Year’s celebration and also at the Going to the Field Festival, a custom that has existed for more than 200 years. Stick...