Gender equality promoted in ethnic minority mountain regions

Gender equality promoted in ethnic minority mountain regions

(VOVWORLD) - Promoting gender equality, particularly in ethnic minority mountain regions, is one of the key tasks to ensure sustainable national development. The Vietnamese Party and State have implemented guidelines, policies, and programs...
Lai Chau province uses culture to develop tourism

Lai Chau province uses culture to develop tourism

(VOVWORLD) - 20 ethnic minority groups live in Lai Chau province. In the 3 years since the province passed a resolution to preserve and promote the traditional culture of ethnic groups to boost tourism...
Lady of the Realm Festival 2022 opens

Lady of the Realm Festival 2022 opens

(VOVWORLD) - The Ba Chua Xu (The Lady of the Realm) Festival 2022 opened on Sunday night in Chau Doc city, An Giang province, with a procession of the Statue of...
Young Vietnamese people aspire to rise up

Young Vietnamese people aspire to rise up

(VOVWORLD) - The draft political report of the 13th National Party Congress underscores human resources as the main engine for realizing Vietnam’s goals of prosperity, democracy, equity, and civilization
Vietnam Fatherland Front opens 9th National Congress

Vietnam Fatherland Front opens 9th National Congress

(VOVWORLD) - The 9th National Congress of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) opened in Hanoi on Thursday with the theme “Solidarity-Democracy-Innovation-Development”. The opening was attended by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi...
Trade Union reforms operation as CPTPP takes effect

Trade Union reforms operation as CPTPP takes effect

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor has asked its affiliates to reform workers welfare operations now that the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) has begun...
ASOSAI 14 focuses on environmental auditing

ASOSAI 14 focuses on environmental auditing

(VOVWORLD) - The 14th Assembly of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI 14) opened in Hanoi on Wednesday. The event was attended by 250 delegates from 46 member countries...
Corn festival of the Cong

Corn festival of the Cong

(VOVWORLD) -The Corn Festival is a traditional celebration of the Cong people in Muong Te district, Lai Chau province. After the corn harvest in the 6th lunar month, the Cong gather to...
Countries join WMD global exercise

Countries join WMD global exercise

(VOVWORLD) - The Australian Government has joined forces with countries from around the world to conduct a four-day exercise in Far North Queensland
Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

Ha Nhi’s worship of the kitchen genie

(VOVworld) – The Ha Nhi consider water the source of life and fire the source of power. The woodstove space is the key spot in their house. They put a sacred...