President Vo Van Thuong visits Military Region 9 Command

President Vo Van Thuong visits Military Region 9 Command

(VOVWORLD) -President Vo Van Thuong on Saturday asked Military Region 9 to constantly improve its political quality, qualification and combat readiness; proactively grasp the situation, handle well practical problems, especially...
Vo Van Thuong elected as President of Vietnam

Vo Van Thuong elected as President of Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -The National Assembly elected Vo Van Thuong as the new President of Vietnam at its fourth extraordinary session on Thursday. The newly-elected President is a Politburo member, Permanent...
PM honors educators on Vietnam Teachers’ Day

PM honors educators on Vietnam Teachers’ Day

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Saturday expressed heartfelt sentiment and gratitude to teachers all over Vietnam as he addressed a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of Vietnam Teachers...
Diplomacy contributes to national development

Diplomacy contributes to national development

(VOVWORLD) - On August 28, 1945, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established with the birth of the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, led by President Ho Chi Minh...
Digital transformation in exports: a trendy choice

Digital transformation in exports: a trendy choice

(VOVWORLD) - Digital transformation is gaining steam in Vietnam. Digital technology is being applied to all phases of the operation of a business. But digital transformation of export activities remains a particularly difficult problem for...
Build modern agriculture, civilized rural areas, PM says

Build modern agriculture, civilized rural areas, PM says

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held a dialogue with farmers nationwide on Sunday to discuss ways to develop a modern agriculture and civilized rural areas. At the meeting, farmers, cooperatives, businesses, and...
Wednesday April 13, 2022

Wednesday April 13, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Summer is around the corner, there couldn't be a better time to treat ourselves with a vacation after nearly 2 years of social distancing due to COVID-19. Many of...
US, Russia have differences on Ukraine

US, Russia have differences on Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday that Russia must abandon the "path of war" and urged Russia to declare unequivocally that it will not invade Ukraine
High recruitment demand in 2022

High recruitment demand in 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Thanks to effectively containing the COVID-19 pandemic, Vietnam’s economy is recovering and so is the labor market. Hiring demand by major industries is forecast to grow quickly...