America continues Middle East policy

America continues Middle East policy

(VOVWORLD) - The US under the Trump administration has continued its policy of intervention in the Middle East, an important geo-political region where the US has many interests. Like Trump’s...
Things you should know about Oman

Things you should know about Oman

(VOVWORLD) - Many Vietnamese people know Oman only as the home of mythical characters whose stories continue to be told around the globe. But the Sultanate of Oman is a veritable kaleidoscope of history, culture, heritage,...
Turkey says it helped US kill IS leader

Turkey says it helped US kill IS leader

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey and the US were engaged in intense diplomacy and exchanged views on the operation the night that US special forces conducted a mission to kill Islamic State leader Abu...
World reacts to Turkey's strike in northeast Syria

World reacts to Turkey's strike in northeast Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Minutes after Turkey launched airstrikes and artillery fire against Kurdish positions in northeast Syria on Wednesday, the UN, the US, and European countries condemned the military operation
UN agrees Yemen ceasefire resolution

UN agrees Yemen ceasefire resolution

(VOVWORLD) -The United Nations Security Council on Friday unanimously approved the deployment of a UN advance team to monitor a ceasefire in Yemen's Hodeidah region after days of wrangling...
Libya urges UN to block 'illegal' oil trade

Libya urges UN to block 'illegal' oil trade

(VOVWORLD) - Libya's Government of National Accord (GNA) on Tuesday called on the UN Security Council to prevent "illegal" oil exports from Libya after a rival government seized control of...
Turkey to expand Syria operation

Turkey to expand Syria operation

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday vowed to expand Turkey’s military campaign against Kurdish-held areas in Syria as far as the Iraq border