Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

(VOVWORLD) - For centuries, classical music, characterized by its complexity, depth, and emotional range, has been performed in majestic theaters often adorned with exquisite chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and elegant details. The association between classical music and grand theaters is deeply rooted...
The world accelerates AI management and application

The world accelerates AI management and application

(VOVWORLD) - As artificial intelligence (AI) is having major impacts on all socio-economic aspects, countries have stepped up the building of legal frameworks to manage the technology while accelerating technological...
EU’s legal action against UK signals new tension

EU’s legal action against UK signals new tension

(VOVWORLD) - The European Commission (EC) on Thursday sent “a letter of formal notice” to the UK government, the first step in legal proceedings, for the UK’s violation of the Brexit Withdrawal...


Highlights: - Lunch with the chefs: Grilled chicken breast with lime leaves - Airbus to put sleeping berths in cargo holds - Destiny Child reunites at Coachella - Tips to survive exams
EU condemns Ukraine clashes

EU condemns Ukraine clashes

(VOVworld) - The European Union on Tuesday condemned recent clashes in eastern Ukraine between separatists and government forces, calling the fighting a violation of the Minsk truce. The separatists and government troops...

Violence reignites in Turkey’s big cities

Violence between the police and protesters have reignited in major cities in Turkey after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan criticized the protesters as “extreme elements joining hands with terrorists”