Severe drought forecast for central region in 2016

Severe drought forecast for central region in 2016

(VOVworld) - The central region and the Tay Nguyen Central Highlands will see even more severe droughts and water shortage this year compared to 2015, the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting has warned...
Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

Chol Chnam Thmay festival of the Khmer

(VOvworld) – Chol Chnam Thmay is the New Year celebration of the Khmer. Their biggest festival of the year marks the end of the dry season and the beginning of a new...
IAEA: Iran complies with nuclear deal

IAEA: Iran complies with nuclear deal

(VOVworld) - IAEA’s chief Yukiya Amano certified on Saturday that Iran had met the provisions of the nuclear deal signed by Iran and world powers in Vienna last July, a...
US, Japan reject possibility of re-negotiating TPP

US, Japan reject possibility of re-negotiating TPP

(VOVworld) – The White House said Tuesday that President Barack Obama’s administration rejects the proposal of certain some US congressmen to re-negotiate the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement, saying that...
WHO warns of risk of new MERS outbreak

WHO warns of risk of new MERS outbreak

(VOVworld) – A new outbreak of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) could occur, warned the World Health Organization on Thursday following the 10th meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee to discuss...
Is Greece really out of crisis?

Is Greece really out of crisis?

(VOVworld) – On Wednesday Greece’s parliament approved by a vote of 229 to 64 a bill on austerity measures requested by creditors in exchange for a new bailout package worth 86 billion euros...
Korean tensions continue

Korean tensions continue

(VOVworld) – Increasing pressure and sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table was the focus of a high-level meeting between the US...
Intense UK election

Intense UK election

(VOVworld) – The United Kingdom’s general election will be held on May 7. Recent polls have shown nearly equal support for the two biggest parties
Vietnam promotes partnerships with key partners

Vietnam promotes partnerships with key partners

(VOVworld) – This year Vietnam’s external relations activities will focus on promoting cooperation in multilateral mechanisms and deepening comprehensive and strategic partnerships with key partners
Belgian King praises cooperation with Vietnam

Belgian King praises cooperation with Vietnam

(VOVworld) - Vietnamese Ambassador to Belgium Vuong Thua Phong pledged his best efforts to foster cooperation between Vietnam and Belgium while presenting his credentials to King Philippe on Tuesday
The EU and the war on terror

The EU and the war on terror

(VOVworld) – Terrorism has cast a shadow over France, the EU, and several other countries after last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris killed 17 people. The massacres have pushed European countries...
Thai PM: military to take action if protests recur

Thai PM: military to take action if protests recur

(VOVworld) - Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-o-Cha has warned that the military will "take action" under martial law if protests occur over impeachment proceedings against ex-premier Yingluck Shinawatra
Greek Parliament dissolved

Greek Parliament dissolved

(VOVworld) – Greek President Karolos Papoulias dissolved Greece’s parliament Wednesday to pave the way for early parliamentary elections which will be held on January 25, 2015