Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

Hamas-Israel conflict overcasts Middle East

(VOVWORLD) -The Hamas-Israel conflict is a geopolitical cataclysm overshadowing the Middle East this year. It’s the largest conflict of the past few decades between Israel and the Islamist movement...
Global community strives to ease tension in Gaza

Global community strives to ease tension in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - The international community is racing to find solutions to ease tensions in Gaza, fearing that the conflict will spread beyond the Middle East and push millions of civilians into...
Philippines, EU against use of force in East Sea

Philippines, EU against use of force in East Sea

(VOVWORLD) - The Philippines and the European Union (EU) emphasized their commitment to freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea (called the East Sea in Vietnam), in accordance with the 1982...
Gabon’s coup draws international concern

Gabon’s coup draws international concern

(VOVWORLD) - African leaders are scrambling to deal with a recent military coup in Gabon as the international community expressed deep concern over the situation in the West African state
Unrest grows in Niger

Unrest grows in Niger

(VOVWORLD) - The political situation in Niger is drawing international attention after President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown by the army and a military junta, set up by the coup, arrested several members of the Constitutional...
World community seeks solutions to Sudan conflict

World community seeks solutions to Sudan conflict

(VOVWORLD) -In recent days, the world has been closely following political and security developments in Sudan, where the army and the paramilitary organization known as the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are engaged in...