Fun facts about Ireland

Fun facts about Ireland

(VOVWORLD) -The Republic of Ireland is an island next to Great Britain. Its capital city is Dublin. Ireland has much to offer – a rich history, beautiful natural scenery, a unique culture, and friendly people...
Rain praying ceremony of the Lo Lo

Rain praying ceremony of the Lo Lo

(VOVWORLD) - Rain praying is an important ritual of the Lo Lo ethnic minority in the northern mountain province of Cao Bang. The ceremony is closely associated with the customs, life,...
Vietnam, US coordinate in fighting drugs

Vietnam, US coordinate in fighting drugs

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and the US pledged stronger cooperation in their mutual drug fight at the International Drug Enforcement Conference in the Asia-Pacific (Mini-IDEC) held in Da Nang city...
US, Japan plan upgrade to security cooperation

US, Japan plan upgrade to security cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - The Financial Times reported on Sunday that the US and Japan are planning the most significant upgrade in their security cooperation since signing a mutual defense treaty in 1960
Francophone Weekend: Vietnam is guest of honor

Francophone Weekend: Vietnam is guest of honor

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam was invited as the guest of honor to the Francophone Weekend festival in Yèbles village, more than 50km east of Paris, where representatives of Francophone countries present in France introduced...
Vietnam ensures equal rights between ethnic groups

Vietnam ensures equal rights between ethnic groups

(VOVWORLD) - March 21 is the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. In Vietnam, ethnic groups, regardless of whether majority or minority, or high or low level of development, have...
Wednesday March 20, 2024

Wednesday March 20, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - We’re excited to bring you the Letter Box every Wednesday. Reading letters, emails, and comments from our listeners is the most interesting part of our work. Last...
Vietnam, Argentina expand cooperation relations

Vietnam, Argentina expand cooperation relations

(VOVWORLD) - Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son on Tuesday held talks with Argentina’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship Diana Elena Mondino who is paying an official visit...