Saudi Arabia, Turkey discuss Jerusalem status

Saudi Arabia, Turkey discuss Jerusalem status

(VOVWORLD) - Saudi King Salman and Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim on Wednesday discussed the status of Jerusalem and bilateral ties in their first meeting since the US recognized Jerusalem...
Islamic Coalition vows to fight terrorism

Islamic Coalition vows to fight terrorism

(VOVWORLD) -Top defense officials from 40 Muslim-majority nations called the Islamic Military Counter-Terrorism Coalition held their first meeting in Riyadh on Sunday, just days after an attack on...
Arab countries inform WTO actions to boycott Qatar

Arab countries inform WTO actions to boycott Qatar

(VOVWORLD) - Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt informed the World Trade Organization on Friday of the legality of their actions after boycotting Qatar, exercising their sovereign rights...
World aviation faces challenges

World aviation faces challenges

(VOVWORLD) -Terrorism and protectionism have posed great challenges to the aviation sector worldwide. These threats have reduced aviation growth and consumer demand
Egypt: Palestinian issues remain top priority

Egypt: Palestinian issues remain top priority

(VOVworld) - Palestinian issues will always remain a top priority for Egyptian foreign policy, Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas during his visit to the Ramallah...