China, Russia to hold joint military exercise

China, Russia to hold joint military exercise

(VOVWORLD) - A press release by China’s Ministry of National Defense confirmed that Russia will participate in the North/ Interaction-2023 exercises organized by China in the near future
G7 countries pledge further support for Ukraine

G7 countries pledge further support for Ukraine

(VOVWORLD) - At Saturday’s meeting on the sidelines of the ongoing Munich Security Conference in Bayern, Group of Seven foreign ministers reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ukraine ahead of the...
Institutions fine-tuned to strengthen Party building

Institutions fine-tuned to strengthen Party building

(VOVWORLD) - 2022 was the second year the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress was implemented with Party building and rectification being identified as the central, key, and most important task. With...
UN backs Vietnam to establish regional peacekeeping center

UN backs Vietnam to establish regional peacekeeping center

(VOVWORLD) - In more than 8 years of participating in UN peacekeeping activities, Vietnam has recorded remarkable achievements and steady development, supported by multiple international partners, including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP...