Vietnam, Chile work together to address climate change

Vietnam, Chile work together to address climate change

(VOVWORLD) -Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Wednesday had a telephone conversation with Chilean President Sebastian Piñera to discuss the Vietnam-Chile relations, as well as bilateral cooperation in climate change response...
Wednesday April 8, 2020

Wednesday April 8, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - First on Letter Box today, we’d like to send safe and healthy wishes to you all worldwide during this difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic
Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

Spain offers to host COP25 climate change summit

(VOVWORLD) - Chilean President Sebastian Pinera on Thursday said he held a phone call with Spanish President Pedro Sanchez, where Sanchez offered to host the UN’s COP25 climate change summit in...
Chile pulls out of hosting APEC and COP 25

Chile pulls out of hosting APEC and COP 25

(VOVWORLD) - Chile on Wednesday withdrew from hosting the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit and the COP 25 climate change conference as it struggles to restore order amid clashes between protesters...
Wednesday September 25, 2019

Wednesday September 25, 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Let’s start off our Letter Box today with some information about the weather around Vietnam at the request of several listeners