Dragon-themed product sales surge

Dragon-themed product sales surge

(VOVWORLD) - As the Year of the Dragon takes flight in China, a fiery trend has emerged with dragon-themed products taking center-stage across various consumer categories
Uruguayan newspaper highlights Tet

Uruguayan newspaper highlights Tet

(VOVWORLD) - The Grupo R Multimedio newspaper of Uruguay has published an article introducing Tet - Vietnam’s Lunar New Year festival - calling it the most important event in the country in...
Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

(VOVWORLD) - February 3rd, the Communist Party of Vietnam celebrates its 94th founding anniversary. Under the Party’s leadership, Vietnam has grown from a colonial, semi-feudal country, into an independent, sovereign nation...


(VOVWORLD) -You're tune into VOV24/7 Lunch Show on a very special occasion - The Kitchen God Day. Phuong Khanh and Hong Phuong take you through some of the highlights: - Kitchen God Day falls on the 23rd Day of the...
US troops in Syria attacked by missiles

US troops in Syria attacked by missiles

(VOVWORLD) - A US defense official said Monday that US forces and their allies in Syria came under missile attack, just one day after a drone attack in Jordan that resulted...