Aerial Yoga – Airtime for better health

Aerial Yoga – Airtime for better health

(VOVworld) - If you enjoy anti-gravity workouts, you should definitely try practicing Aerial Yoga. Originally from New York, this new type of yoga has rapidly grown in popularity. Today...
Signs of North Korea reprocessing plutonium

Signs of North Korea reprocessing plutonium

(VOVworld) - Recent satellite images reveal multiple indicators that North Korea is preparing, or has already begun, to reprocess plutonium for additional nuclear weapons at the Yongbyon atomic complex. Analysts...
Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

Tran Nguyen Dan - An Icon Woodblock Painter

(VOVworld) - In woodblock carved paintings, a design or picture is carved into a block of wood, then printed onto a sheet of paper or other special materials. Tran Nguyen Dan...
Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

(VOVworld) - The Koreans love their traditional costume Hanbok just as the Vietnamese love Ao Dai. Hanbok appears at weddings, funerals, folk festivals, special anniversaries and many other Korean events. The term Hanbok means "Korean clothing". One...
Ninh Thuan restructures crops to fight droughts

Ninh Thuan restructures crops to fight droughts

(VOVworld) – The central coastal province of Ninh Thuan was hardest hit by the droughts in Vietnam. In recent years droughts have become increasingly severe due to climate change, negatively affecting agricultural...
Vietnam attends charity bazaar in Japan

Vietnam attends charity bazaar in Japan

(VOVworld) - The 40th Asia-Pacific Ladies Friendship Society (ALFS) Charity Bazaar was held in Tokyo, Japan, on Wednesday. Ms. Komura, Head of the event’s organising board, said the annual charity...
Binh Phuoc makes wild vegetables a specialty

Binh Phuoc makes wild vegetables a specialty

(VOVworld) – ‘Rau nhip’, a wild vegetable which is highly nutritious and easy to grow, grows well even in home gardens. During the war ‘rau nhip’ was part of the daily diet of soldiers...
ECB keeps emergency loans to Greek banks

ECB keeps emergency loans to Greek banks

(VOVworld) – The Governing Council of the European Central Bank decided Monday to maintain the provision of emergency liquidity assistance (ELA) to Greek banks at the set level of 89 billion...
Pako, Van Kieu women make their living

Pako, Van Kieu women make their living

(VOVworld) - Lao Bao township in Quang tri province shares the border with Laos’ Savanakhet province. The women there, mainly from the Pako and Van Kieu ethnic minority groups, make their living by...