Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

Spring of the Party – Spring of the nation

(VOVWORLD) - February 3rd, the Communist Party of Vietnam celebrates its 94th founding anniversary. Under the Party’s leadership, Vietnam has grown from a colonial, semi-feudal country, into an independent, sovereign nation...
NA Chairman pays pre-Tet visit to Yen Bai

NA Chairman pays pre-Tet visit to Yen Bai

(VOVWORLD) -As the Lunar New Year Festival is approaching, National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on Wednesday visited and gave gifts to policy families, people with meritorious services, poor households,...
Ca Mau schools promote reading habit

Ca Mau schools promote reading habit

(VOVWORLD) - The project “Book and Action” in Ho Chi Minh City has launched various activities to inspire a love for reading among young people. It has now spread to scores...
UN envoy optimistic about achieving peace in Sudan

UN envoy optimistic about achieving peace in Sudan

(VOVWORLD) -The United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy to Sudan Ramtane Lamamra, on Sunday, expressed optimism about the possibility of achieving peace and stability and ending the conflict in Sudan