Vietnam aims to have 1 million enterprises by 2020

Vietnam aims to have 1 million enterprises by 2020

(VOVworld) – Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue has committed to create a favorable business environment for enterprises and build a government that serves the business community. He made the remarks in Ho...
Party official greets WB Vice President

Party official greets WB Vice President

(VOVworld)- Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilisation Truong Thi Mai hosted a reception in Hanoi on July 26 for Victoria Kwakwa, who...
Wednesday April 27, 2016

Wednesday April 27, 2016

(VOVworld) - Although it’s the beginning of summer, it’s pretty hot with the midday temperature in Hanoi at around 32 DC and HCM city at 36 DC. Luckily there are some...
EU punishes Thai military junta

EU punishes Thai military junta

(VOVworld) – 28 EU foreign ministers on Monday criticized the Thai army for its takeover a month ago and agreed on sanctions against the military junta
World public condemns Nigeria violence

World public condemns Nigeria violence

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon strongly condemned the multiple attacks across the northern Nigerian city of Kano, which resulted in large-scale casualties and massive destruction to property