India, China set more talks on boundary issues

India, China set more talks on boundary issues

(VOVWORLD) - National Security Adviser Ajit Doval, India’s Special Representative, will meet his Chinese counterpart to discuss boundary issues between the two countries in the coming days
Wednesday May 27, 2020

Wednesday May 27, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - We continue to receive entries for VOV’s writing contest “What do you know about Vietnam?”
Romania’s Culture and Lifestyle

Romania’s Culture and Lifestyle

(VOVWORLD) - As any Romanian will eagerly explain, there’s much more to know about Romania than the legend of Dracula. Constantly featured among Europe’s best travel destinations, Romania has plenty to surprise those...
Drink and food of Ireland

Drink and food of Ireland

(VOVWORLD) -From banned happy hours to not having any snakes in their country, Ireland is definitely a country that will surprise you. Today we’ll learn about life in Ireland and...