Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

Repatriating ISIS fighters, a thorny problem

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey continues to send ISIS prisoners back to their home countries from detention centers in northeast Syria, triggering tensions with European countries, who have revoked the citizenships of many...
US open to maintain troops in Syria

US open to maintain troops in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - US troop levels in northern Syria will likely stabilize around 500, a top American military leader said Sunday, weeks after US President Donald Trump announced a complete withdrawal
Turkey begins returning IS fighters

Turkey begins returning IS fighters

(VOVWORLD) - A US national who is a member of the Islamic State has been deported home, a Turkish official said Monday, as Ankara began repatriating captured foreign IS fighters
Turkey says it helped US kill IS leader

Turkey says it helped US kill IS leader

(VOVWORLD) - Turkey and the US were engaged in intense diplomacy and exchanged views on the operation the night that US special forces conducted a mission to kill Islamic State leader Abu...
Russia ready for join patrol in Syria

Russia ready for join patrol in Syria

(VOVWORLD) - 300 troops and 20 armored vehicles have arrived in Syria and ready for joined patrol with Turkish forces, Russian Presidential Spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Friday
US lifts sanctions on Turkey

US lifts sanctions on Turkey

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday that Turkey has informed the US that the cease-fire in Syria will be "permanent," and has ordered US sanctions on Turkey...