Happy farmers in Binh Khe

Happy farmers in Binh Khe

(VOVWORLD) - Quang Ninh province’s goal is to comprehensively improve the material and spiritual life of farmers and rural residents in accordance with the happiness criteria of the national target program on building new...
SEA Games 32: Vietnam hits 50-gold mark

SEA Games 32: Vietnam hits 50-gold mark

(VOVWORLD) -Wednesday, the 5th official competition day of the Southeast Asian Games, witnessed Vietnam winning an incredible 50th gold medal and leading the medal table with 3 golds ahead of...
Wednesday May 3, 2023

Wednesday May 3, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - Over the past few weeks, the English Service of VOVWorld has received letters, emails, and feedback from our long-time listeners, who began listening to VOV in the 1970s...
Major targets met despite global turbulence

Major targets met despite global turbulence

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has met some major targets despite internal and external difficulties, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said at Friday’s Government meeting on socio-economic development in the past...
Peru targets Vietnam for coffee export

Peru targets Vietnam for coffee export

(VOVWORLD) - Peru is a leading producer of organic coffee and among the top 10 coffee exporters in the world. The Embassy of Peru introduced the country’s six specialty coffees as part of...