Apparel sector sees positive signs

Apparel sector sees positive signs

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s textile and garment exports are recovering, especially in traditional markets. Experts say the orders are returning to Vietnam because Vietnam is a safe destination and a new...
EU eases farming regulations

EU eases farming regulations

(VOVWORLD) -The European Union has slashed some requirements for agriculture in face of large-scale protests by farmers since the beginning of the year as well as concerns about the...
Six-month Hamas-Israel conflict

Six-month Hamas-Israel conflict

(VOVWORLD) - The Hamas-Israel conflict has been going on for 6 months. Casualties on both sides have mounted but diplomatic negotiations are at a standstill
Israel’s airstrikes kill 42 in northern Syria

Israel’s airstrikes kill 42 in northern Syria

(VOVWORLD) - Israeli air strikes on Syria’s northern province of Aleppo have killed 42 people, 36 of them Syrian soldiers, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR...
Young people pioneer in digital transformation

Young people pioneer in digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held a dialogue with young people on Tuesday, on the occasion of the 93rd anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. He underlined young...
Global concerns about terrorism

Global concerns about terrorism

(VOVWORLD) -The terrorist attack at the Crocus Concert Hall in Moscow on March 22 rang the alarm bell that terrorism remains one of the biggest security threats around the world