UK approves the COVID-19 vaccine

UK approves the COVID-19 vaccine

(VOVWORLD) - The Pfizer BioNTech coronavirus vaccine has been approved by regulators for use in Britain, paving the way for mass vaccinations to start, The Telegraph said on Wednesday
France rejects Brexit delay

France rejects Brexit delay

(VOVWORLD) - French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian on Sunday said France rejects any further delay of Britain's exit from the EU
Cheese rolling race of England

Cheese rolling race of England

(VOVWORLD) - Every year, during Spring, the South West England Gloucester region hosts the annual cheese-rolling event where people from far and wide travel to watch competitors launch themselves down a hill in pursuit...
Sri Lanka's defense secretary resigns

Sri Lanka's defense secretary resigns

(VOVWORLD) - Sri Lanka's Defense Secretary Hemasiri Fernando resigned on Thursday following multiple terror attacks on Sunday which killed 250 people and injured 500 others