PM: Women are important in national development

PM: Women are important in national development

(VOVWORLD) - Women’s role in national development is crucial, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc said on Thursday at the ASEAN Women Leaders’ Summit, themed “Role of women in building a cohesive, dynamic...
US-Taliban peace deal: a tough path to peace

US-Taliban peace deal: a tough path to peace

(VOVWORLD) - The US and Afghanistan’s Taliban signed an agreement the world is hoping will restore peace to Afghanistan after two decades of war. President Donald Trump called it a historic deal...
Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

Vietnam hosts debate on adhering to UN Charter

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has taken on the role of non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term and assumed the rotating Presidency of the UN Security Council in...
Iraq’s rebuilding challange

Iraq’s rebuilding challange

(VOVWORLD) - Anti-government protests have led to clashes in Iraq recently, the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Adel Abdel Mahdi since he took office. The government’s primary mission is to...
Vietnam, UN work for SDGs

Vietnam, UN work for SDGs

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam values the support on the part of the UN during post-war reconstruction, renovation, and international integration, said Deputy Foreign Minister Le Hoai Trung
The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

The faithful friendship between VOV and Cambodian Radio

(VOVWORLD) - In 1979, after escaping Ieng Sary’s Pol Pot genocide regime, the Cambodian government asked Vietnam to help it reconstruct the Phnom Penh broadcasting station. Although Vietnam was struggling with numerous post...
Thien Nhan & Friends program brings hope to unlucky children

Thien Nhan & Friends program brings hope to unlucky children

(VOVWORLD) - Thien Nhan & Friends program was established 8 years ago to help organize genital reconstruction surgeries for Vietnamese children suffering severe urological birth defects and rare urological conditions. Over the past 8 years, the program has gathered growing support from the public helping unlucky Vietnamese...