Four ministers respond to NA question time

Four ministers respond to NA question time

(VOVworld) –Four cabinet members will be queried about pressing issues of voter concern at a two-and-a-half-day Q-and-A session conducted by the National Assembly, starting...
Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

Đồng dao – children’s folk songs

(VOVworld) - Đồng dao – children’s folk songs – are simple folk verses created long ago by unknown authors and passed orally from generation to generation. The lyrics are plain, often incoherent or illogical verses...
Sovereignty markers symbolize love for Truong Sa

Sovereignty markers symbolize love for Truong Sa

(VOVworld) – “Sovereignty markers” are often considered the emblem of Truong Sa archipelago. These markers reflect not only the sovereignty of the nation, but also Vietnamese people’s respect for...
Visiting Truong Sa- Spratly archipelago

Visiting Truong Sa- Spratly archipelago

(VOVworld)- Truong Sa, Vietnam’s first island district, is located 250 nautical miles or about 400 km from the coast. Despite numerous difficulties, people and soldiers on the island are determined...
Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

(VOVworld) - Anti-corruption and the revised Law on Anti-Corruption are major items on the agenda of the on-going NA 4th session. NA deputies and the public hope that the revised...
6th session of NA Law Committee concludes

6th session of NA Law Committee concludes

(VOV/VOVworld)- The National Assembly’s Law Committee concluded in HCM City on Saturday after discussing a resolution on procedures of vote of confidence for officials, who are elected...
Discover ecotourism in Ba Vi

Discover ecotourism in Ba Vi

(VOVworld)- Located 53 km northwest of Hanoi, Ba Vi is blessed with beautiful untouched countryside and is strongly imbued with many cultural and historical characteristics. Visitors to Ba Vi easily get lost amongst the magnificent landscapes of waterfalls...