Productivity improved to narrow development gap

Productivity improved to narrow development gap

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh had a meeting with ministries and sectors last weekend to discuss ways to improve Vietnam's labor productivity. The Prime Minister emphasized that improving labor productivity...
Tien Yen promotes community tourism

Tien Yen promotes community tourism

(VOVWORLD) - Tien Yen District is located in Quang Ninh Province, on the northeast transport artery, connected to border gates and serves as a maritime gateway. Tien Yen is endowed by nature with mountains...
World Food Day 2023: Water is life

World Food Day 2023: Water is life

(VOVWORLD) - Since 1945, World Food Day is observed annually on October 16. World Food Day is not only about celebrating the amazing food that people have the privilege of indulging in, but it is about raising awareness for people who do not have...