Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

Lavash bread, the symbol of Armenian cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The paper-thin, blanket-sized bread called lavash has long been considered a fundamental element of Armenians’ diet. It is one of the most ancient breads still being made today. Lavash...
Workers supported to return home safely for Tet

Workers supported to return home safely for Tet

(VOVWORLD) - Just 10 days are left until Lunar New Year 2022, the traditional holiday the Vietnamese call Tet. Many migrant workers are preparing their luggage, waiting for the end of the last...
Wednesday May 20, 2020

Wednesday May 20, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - We’d like to welcome to VOV Howard Guppy of the UK. In an email to VOV this week, Mr. Guppy wrote: “I was pleased to be able to listen your broadcast tonight. It is...
Lavrov, Kerry discuss Syria issue

Lavrov, Kerry discuss Syria issue

(VOVworld) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry discussed the situation in Syria in a telephone call on Wednesday, two days after Washington said it...
Increased tension on the Korean Peninsula

Increased tension on the Korean Peninsula

(VOVworld)- The Korean Peninsula has once again drawn the international community’s attention following recent developments in North Korea and a number of other countries. These developments have heightened tension...
Austria proposes Germany to adjust migration policy

Austria proposes Germany to adjust migration policy

(VOVworld) – Austria has asked EU countries to suspend the policy of free travel for migrants among Balkan countries and refugee hotspots. Austria’s Prime Minister Werner Faymann asked German Chancellor Angela Merkel...