Wednesday February 12, 2020

Wednesday February 12, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - World Radio Day, February 13 is a date proclaimed by UNESCO to celebrate radio broadcasts, improve international cooperation among radio broadcasters and encourage decision-makers to create and provide access...
Ho Quang Cua, father of the world’s best rice

Ho Quang Cua, father of the world’s best rice

(VOVWORLD) - After trying for more than 25 years, agricultural engineer Ho Quang Cua and his colleagues successfully cross-bred Vietnam's ST25 rice, named the world's best rice in last year’s...
World reacts to US resettlement decision

World reacts to US resettlement decision

(VOVWORLD) - US Democratic presidential candidates on Tuesday criticized the Trump administration's announcement that it supports Israel's rights in building settlements in the occupied West Bank
EU urges Iran to honor nuclear deal

EU urges Iran to honor nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - The EU on Thursday urged Iran to reverse its scale-back of commitments to the nuclear accord struck with world powers after Tehran announced it was ending its curbs...