Dialogue to promote human rights

Dialogue to promote human rights

(VOVworld) – A dialogue with the UN Special Rapporteurs on human rights is an important cooperative activity between Vietnam and the UN’s Universal Periodic Review on human rights. Open discussions of policies and...
Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

Political intentions behind the MH17 tragedy

(VOVworld) – The crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has made the Ukrainian crisis more critical. A missile shooting down the passenger plane, killing 298 people of many nationalities has...
Talks on new truce in eastern Ukraine to be opened

Talks on new truce in eastern Ukraine to be opened

(VOVworld) – The German Federal Foreign Office said that Germany, France, Ukraine, and Russia would hold a new round of negotiations for a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, after separate talks between...
Ukraine rejects allegations of bombing residences

Ukraine rejects allegations of bombing residences

(VOVworld) – Ukraine’s army will not carpet-bomb residences in south-eastern Ukraine, where Kiev has launched a military campaign to suppress federalist protesters, said Andrey Lysenko, a spokesperson...
UN urgently discusses Ukraine

UN urgently discusses Ukraine

(VOVworld) – The UN Security Council convened an urgent meeting on Monday, as proposed by Russia, to discuss the tensions in eastern Ukraine
Any way out of the Thai political mess?

Any way out of the Thai political mess?

(VOVworld) - Thailand's Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is set to attend a hearing before the National Anti-Corruption Committee Thursday on charges of ignoring warnings that the national rice subsidy scheme was...
Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

Middle East: 2013’s most unstable region

(VOVworld)- In 2013, the Middle East topped the list of the world’s most unstable regions due to clashes between Israel and Palestine, Syria’s civil war and Iran’s nuclear...
A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

A test for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra

(VOVworld) – Thailand is facing serious instability because of demonstrations by both anti- and pro-government forces in recent days, the largest since 2010 when political strife killed more than 90...
Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

Egypt’s crisis and its consequences

(VOVworld) – The political crisis in Egypt has worsened over the last few days as a consequence of deepening factional conflicts. The situation threatens Egypt’s future and the stability in...
Western countries facing unstable security

Western countries facing unstable security

(VOVworld) – Recent attacks on soldiers in France and the UK have put those countries on high alert and efforts are being made to clarify the reason behind those attacks. Whether the...
Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

Revising Anti-Corruption law to suit reality

(VOVworld) - Anti-corruption and the revised Law on Anti-Corruption are major items on the agenda of the on-going NA 4th session. NA deputies and the public hope that the revised...
New air strikes in Gaza Strip

New air strikes in Gaza Strip

Tensions remain high around the Gaza Strip after Palestinian armed forces fired rockets into Southern Israel triggering Israeli air strikes which killed 4 gunmen
Religious freedom in Vietnam can’t be distorted

Religious freedom in Vietnam can’t be distorted

(VOVworld) - The US Department of State 2011 report on International Religious Freedom released on July 30 said “the Vietnamese government did not demonstrate a trend toward either improvement or deterioration...