What is the true Israeli cuisine?

What is the true Israeli cuisine?

(VOVWORLD) - Due to its geographical position, Israel’s cuisine is a blend of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines strongly influenced by cuisine of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Thanks to all these influences, Israeli food...
Countries welcome ceasefire in Yemen

Countries welcome ceasefire in Yemen

(VOVWORLD) - The two-month cease-fire in Yemen began at 19:00 on Saturday. All offensive military, air, ground and maritime operations inside Yemen and across its borders are halted...
Hot TikToker Long Chun describes the life of a KOL

Hot TikToker Long Chun describes the life of a KOL

(VOVWORLD) - KOL stands for Key Opinion Leader. KOLs are not necessarily based online nor do they necessarily interact with their audience on a regular basis. But social media has altered the way KOLs work....
A peaceful village in Spratly island

A peaceful village in Spratly island

(VOVWORLD) - Located hundreds of nautical miles away from the mainland, small villages accommodate 10 households, a school, and a clinic where locals are living peaceful lives. Let’s visit a village in the Song...
Veteran tiger tamer at HCM city’s zoo

Veteran tiger tamer at HCM city’s zoo

(VOVWORLD) - The Tiger is one of Vietnam’s 12 zodiac animals. Tigers are widely considered a symbol of vitality, courage, majesty, and power. Taking care of and raising real tigers at a zoo...
Wednesday February 9, 2022

Wednesday February 9, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Welcome to the very first Letter Box of the New Lunar Year - the Year of the Tiger. We wish you all the best of luck and happiness for the...