Idle talks with Tran Đang Khoa

Idle talks with Tran Đang Khoa

(VOVworld) - Meeting Tran Dang Khoa for the very first time, he was totally different from what I had imagined about him as a famous poet
Vietnam opposes Australian ruling

Vietnam opposes Australian ruling

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Foreign Ministry has sent a diplomatic note to the Australian Ambassador in Hanoi opposing a censorship order by the Australian Supreme Court in the state of Victoria...
Vietnam opposes Australia's censorship order

Vietnam opposes Australia's censorship order

(VOVworld) - Vietnam Foreign Ministry has sent a diplomatic note to the Australian Ambassador in Hanoi opposing a censorship order by the Australian Supreme Court in Victoria State as reported by...
VOV’s national press award winners

VOV’s national press award winners

(VOVworld) – Reporters from the Voice of Vietnam’s central region bureau won the top national press award in 2012 and 2013. Their entry last year examined loopholes in water resources management...
Wednesday June 11, 2014

Wednesday June 11, 2014

(VOVworld) - VOV has regularly updated information regarding China’s illegal placement of the Haiyang 981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. Daily information is available on our shortwave channels and website in 12 languages, Vietnamese,...
Falsification to realize the U-shaped line

Falsification to realize the U-shaped line

(VOVworld) – China’s placing of the oil rig Haiyang 981 in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) clearly violates Vietnam’s sovereignty and jurisdiction under the 1982 UN Convention on the Law...