COP 21 begins

COP 21 begins

(VOVworld) – The UN climate summit COP 21 opened in Paris Sunday. A minute of silence was observed for Paris terrorist attack victims
New Taliban leader vows to continue insurgency

New Taliban leader vows to continue insurgency

(VOVworld)- The new Afghan Taliban leader appealed for unity in the insurgency in his first public message released on Saturday amid reports his predecessor's family members opposed his selection
Climate change poses a difficult challenge

Climate change poses a difficult challenge

(VOVworld) – The 20th UN Climate Change Conference, COP-20, is taking place in Peru’s capital city Lima. Representatives of 200 countries are attending the conference to discuss ways to reduce...
Israel may commit war crimes in Gaza

Israel may commit war crimes in Gaza

(VOVworld) – Israel is likely to have committed war crimes in Gaza, Human Rights Watch said Thursday, a day after the army announced five criminal investigations into incidents involving Israel’s...
The Ede matriarchal system

The Ede matriarchal system

(VOVworld) - The Ede ethnic group’s matriarchal system is reflected in family, social relations, housing architecture and musical instruments