Party members in Dak Nong involve in poverty reduction

Party members in Dak Nong involve in poverty reduction

(VOVWORLD) - In response to Politburo Directive No.5 on strengthening national unity and building the Party and political system following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example, Dak Song district’s Party Committee...
 Red River delta, the land of tugging games

Red River delta, the land of tugging games

(VOVWORLD) - The tugging rituals and folk games were honored by UNESCO in 2015 as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity, a multi-national project of Vietnam, the Republic of Korea, Cambodia, and the Philippines, the first multi-national project ever recognized...
Severe cold spell hits northern, central regions

Severe cold spell hits northern, central regions

(VOVWORLD) - A severe cold spell began affecting the northern and north-central regions from Tuesday night, with northern mountainous provinces warned to prepare for frost and rime, according to Nguyen Huu...