Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

Israeli anthropologist discusses Hoi An’s cuisine

(VOVWORLD) - The book “Rice talks: Food and Community in a Vietnamese Town” by Israeli anthropologist Nir Avieli takes you on a fascinating journey to explore Hoi An’s cuisine, revealing how cuisine shapes social bonds, cultural...
Turkey arrests dozens of IS suspects

Turkey arrests dozens of IS suspects

(VOVWORLD) - Turkish security forces have arrested 36 people in four provinces suspected of being related to the self-proclaimed IS terrorist organization
Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

Historical footsteps remain on Pha Din Pass

(VOVWORLD) - During the historic Dien Bien Phu campaign in 1954, the legendary Pha Din Pass saw the footprints of tens of thousands of soldiers, frontline workers, and young volunteers on their journey...
Wednesday April 17, 2024

Wednesday April 17, 2024

(VOVWORLD) - A: This week VOVWorld received more than 380 emails, letters and phone calls from listeners around the world. We here in the English section are always happy to receive...
Sudan humanitarian crisis may worsen: UN

Sudan humanitarian crisis may worsen: UN

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations on Friday warned that the humanitarian crisis triggered by the conflict in Sudan could worsen dramatically in the coming months, tipping some regions into famine
Vietnam strives to get EC's IUU yellow card removed

Vietnam strives to get EC's IUU yellow card removed

(VOVWORLD) - The European Commission (EC) Inspection Team is scheduled to conduct the 5th inspection on Vietnam’s compliance with illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing regulations later this month. Recently the Vietnamese government,...
Tailgate Party – A US Pre-Game Tradition

Tailgate Party – A US Pre-Game Tradition

(VOVWORLD) - There are several ways one can enjoy a sports game, such as wearing the T-shirt of your favorite team, chanting along with the crowds, or screaming your heart out whenever a goal is...