Demonstrations in Turkey: an alarm

Demonstrations in Turkey: an alarm

(VOVworld) - Turkey, which used to have a successful Islamic political model, is experiencing instability with widespread anti-government demonstrations lasting for over 10 days. Although Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has...
Gloomy European economy

Gloomy European economy

(VOVworld)- A conference opened in London on Thursday to discuss the future of Europe in the global economy. As the public debt crisis enters its third year and Europe continues to suffer...
Haunted by terrorism

Haunted by terrorism

(VOVworld)- Two years ago, on May 2nd, the US jubilantly celebrated the death of Osama Bin Laden, the terrorist leader who masterminded the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington...
Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

Biased reports on human rights in Vietnam

(VOVworld) -The European Parliament on April 18 issued a resolution on human rights in Vietnam saying that Vietnam violates the right to freedom of expression. After that, the US Department of State released...
Historic house of Paris agreement

Historic house of Paris agreement

(VOV/VOVworld)- The City hall of Verrieres-le Buisson on the outskirts of Paris has organized a ceremony to mark the memorial house where a delegation of the provisional Vietnamese...
Human rights differences should be candidly discussed

Human rights differences should be candidly discussed

(VOVworld) On Wednesday the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs approved the so-called Vietnam Human Rights Bill, which provides inaccurate and biased information about human rights in Vietnam...