Artists contribute to social, cultural development

Artists contribute to social, cultural development

(VOVworld)- The Vietnam Union of Arts and Literature Associations convened its ninth national congress in Hanoi on January 8th and 9th. 475 delegates represented 40,000 writers and artists nationwide....
Old book festival inspires love for books

Old book festival inspires love for books

(VOVworld)- Bill Gates, the Chairman of the Microsoft Corporation once spoke of the world at your fingertips to highlight the advantages of the internet and globalization. The flat world and the intrusion...
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In addition to the exquisite landscape, music, and cuisine, Bia hoi (draught beer) is another attraction in Vietnam. Trying Bia hoi in the Old Quarter of Hanoi or tasting Western...
Obstacles in China-India relations

Obstacles in China-India relations

(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jinping began a 3-day official visit to India on Wednesday, his first since he took office. The visit offers an opportunity for the two countries to...
US 13 years after Sep 11 terrorist attacks

US 13 years after Sep 11 terrorist attacks

(VOVworld) – On Thursday the US commemorates the 13th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The US-led fight against terrorism did not end after the killing of Osama bin Laden in 2011...
Wednesday September 10, 2014

Wednesday September 10, 2014

(VOVworld) - First of all, we sincerely thank all listeners for your warm wishes on our 69th founding anniversary last week. Your wishes and sentiment for VOV are a special reward...
Threats on Korean peninsula

Threats on Korean peninsula

(VOVworld)- The US and the Republic of Korea this week began an annual joint military drill called “Ulchi Freedom Guardian” despite warnings from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea....
Ukraine’s peace plan on verge of collapse

Ukraine’s peace plan on verge of collapse

(VOVworld)- The cease fire agreement initiated by Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko, the first step of his 14-point peace plan, expires on Friday, but, the situation in Ukraine remains...
Vietnam’s remarkable progress on human rights

Vietnam’s remarkable progress on human rights

(VOVworld)- The UN Human Rights Council (UN HRC) has approved Vietnam’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of human rights in the second cycle, acknowledging the country’s progress in protecting and...