Prime Minister attends Vietnam-Singapore business forum

Prime Minister attends Vietnam-Singapore business forum

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam encourages partners and investors to engage in digital transformation, green transition, the circular economy, innovation, and hi-tech and low-emission development, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh said...
Traditional arts promoted in contemporary life

Traditional arts promoted in contemporary life

(VOVWORLD) - A variety of Vietnamese traditional art forms such as Tuong (Classical drama), Cheo (traditional opera), water puppetry, ca tru (ceremonial singing), have been held on stage or village festivals and in...
Community-based HIV/AIDS prevention and control

Community-based HIV/AIDS prevention and control

(VOVWORLD) - Communities play an important role in HIV/AIDS prevention interventions. In Can Tho city community-based groups for HIV/AIDS prevention and control are actively working side by side...
Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

Traditional theatrical arts approach audience

(VOVWORLD) - To preserve and promote traditional arts, aside from training the next generation of young artists, it is equally important to have a new generation of audience members. Art troupes...
Vietnam strengthens education on human rights

Vietnam strengthens education on human rights

(VOVWORLD) - Human rights plays an important role in the human value system. It is a goal, a driving force, and a premise to promote the development of other values. Respecting and promoting...
Vietnam, New Zealand vow stronger cooperation

Vietnam, New Zealand vow stronger cooperation

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam wants to boost multifaceted cooperation with New Zealand, said National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue during a meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern in Wellington on...
NA Chairman meets RMIT University leaders

NA Chairman meets RMIT University leaders

(VOVWORLD) -National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue on Friday received Professor Alec Cameron, vice-chancellor and president of RMIT University, along with representatives of RMIT University's Board of Directors...